Relationship Difficulties
Signs that you may need help:
Between a couple:
feeling fundamentally dissatisfied with the relationship
disappointment in the relationship is constant
fighting often, but no resolution is found, and you just feel worn out
feel completely disconnected
lack of communication
loss of sex and vitality
loss of good feelings and friendship
feeling sadness, worry, tension, or depression
Between parents:
using the legal system to fight with each other
putting down or bad-mouthing the other parent
using the children as message carriers or to spy on the other parent
experiencing high levels of conflict where the children repeatedly try to stop the fighting
relying on the children for a high level of emotional support and major responsibilities in the home
experiencing depression and/or anxiety
In children with parents that fight:
acting younger than their chronological age
fear of being apart from parent(s)
moodiness, sadness, depression, guilt
acting out, manipulation
sleep or eating problems
a change in a child’s personality
academic and peer problems
irrational fear and/or compulsive behavior